ETS Japan



Teaching TOEFL iBT® Skills Workshop

Teaching TOEFL iBT Skills Workshopはこちらからお申込ください。
ETS Recognized English Skills
Teaching TOEFL iBT Skills Workshopを修了し、所定のスコアを取得された方を認定する制度です。

What is TOEFL iBT Skills Workshop?

Teaching TOEFL iBT Skills Workshopは、TOEFL®開発・運営元の米国ETSが、世界中の英語教員向けに英語4技能の力を測定するTOEFL iBT®における問題のねらい、採点基準や指導法等に関する理解を深めていただくことを目的とした1日完結型のワークショップです。

ETS公認トレーナーがETSのオリジナルテキストを使用しながら、インタラクティブに進めていくスタイルで、日本では2011年から2022年までETSとTOEFL日本事務局がPropell®として開催していましたが、2023年7月のTOEFL iBT様式の変更に伴い、名称と内容をリニューアルし受講者募集を開始いたします。

Teaching TOEFL iBT® Skills Workshop for the TOEFL iBT Test is a one-day workshop designed to provide English teachers around the world with a deeper understanding of the objectives, scoring rubrics, and teaching methods of the TOEFL iBT test, which is developed and administered by ETS in the United States to assess English proficiency in Reading, Listening, Speaking and Writing skills. 

 In Japan, ETS and  TOEFL iBT Test Resource Center in Japan were co-hosting these workshops  and ETS Authorized Propell Facilitators use the ETS Original text to teach participants in an interactive style until 2022 as Propell®.

UponTOEFL iBT Test enhancements in July 2023, The workshop is going to restart with a new name and new contents. 

概要  Overview


  • TOEFL iBT(Reading、Listening、Speaking、Writing)の概要説明  *新形式のAcademic Discussion taskも含みます
  • SpeakingおよびWritingセクションの採点基準・方法
  • クラスでの学習活動や学習者への指導方法等の紹介 など
  • Overview of the TOEFL iBT®︎ test (Reading, Listening, Speaking, and Writing) *including the new writing task "Academic Discussion"
  • Scoring Rubrics and methods for Speaking and Writing sections
  • Introduction of classroom learning activities and instructional methods for learners etc.


全世界共通で使われているTeaching TOEFL iBT Skills Workshop公式教材を使用します。全部で145ページ程度の内容です。
We will use the official Skills Workshop booklet used worldwide. The total content is about 145 pages.



All workshops will be conducted in English.


英語教員(小・中学校、高校、大学、専門学校、語学学校、留学準備校、英語試験対策スクール 等)であること
English teachers (Elementary/Junior high school, High school, University, Vocational school, Language school, Study abroad prep school, English exam prep school, etc.)



  • TOEFL iBTの受験経験がなく、指導に自信がない方
  • TOEFL iBTの受験経験はあるが、指導経験がない(経験が少ない)方
  • TOEFL iBTの指導には、ある程度の自信と経験があるが、正しく教えられているか確認したい方
  • TOEFL iBTの正しい指導方法を知り、ETS公式のWorkshop修了書を受け取りたい方

If any of the following apply to you, please come and join us!

  • I have never taken the TOEFL iBT test and are not confident in my ability to teach this test.
  • I have taken the TOEFL iBT test but have no (or little) experience teaching this test.
  • I have some confidence and experience in teaching the TOEFL iBT test, but want to make sure I am teaching it correctly.
  • I would like to learn how to teach the TOEFL iBT test properly and receive the official ETS Workshop Certificate.


It does not matter how experience you are as an English teacher. Participants may be in their first year of teaching.


Participants can be of any nationality. We welcome participants from a variety of backgrounds.



TOEFL iBTのSpeakingとWritingセクションの採点で採点官が実際に使用するRubrics(採点基準表)を使いながら、受験者のサンプルアンサーを聞き、採点を行います。参加者がスコアを予想した後、ETS公認トレーナーがETSの採点官がつけたスコアを伝え、何故そのスコアになるのか、Rubricsを使用しながら詳しく解説します。


Participants will listen to sample answers from test takers and score them, using Rubrics that are actually used by the real scorers in scoring the Speaking and Writing sections of the TOEFL iBT® test. After participants have predicted their scores, a trainer will tell them the score given by the ETS scorers and explain in detail why they got that particular score, using Rubrics. Rubrics are available on the official ETS TOEFL® Test website, but by experiencing the actual scoring and listening to the explanation through the workshop, participants will gain a deeper understanding of how Speaking and Writing are scored in Academic English test. 


全国各地から集まった英語教員との情報交換やアクティビティを通じて、英語教授法の新たなアイディアやヒントを得ることができます。Gallery Walkというアクティビティでは、参加者全員が、それぞれの指導経験に基づくアカデミック英語の4スキルを伸ばすための学習法や指導法を模造紙に書き出します。講師がワークショップの中でそれらを一つずつ参加者に共有していきます。その間、参加者は他の参加者のアイディアに共感したり、そのアイディアから今後の指導のヒントを得たり、また時にはコメントしたりと、内容の濃い時間を過ごすことができます。


In the Gallery Walk activity, all participants will write on a piece of paper about their own learning and teaching methods for developing the four skills of academic English based on their teaching experiences. The instructor will then take each one of these ideas and tips to the participants during the workshop. The trainer will share them one by one with the participants during the workshop. During the workshop, participants can share their ideas, get hints for future instruction from the ideas, and sometimes comment on them. When someone explains in detail to the participants what one is actually working on in the classroom, or when someone shows the original teaching materials one uses in the classroom, it seems to spark conversation among the participants during the breaks. 





If you participate in the workshop from beginning to end, you will receive an official ETS certificate of completion with your name and date of attendance. The image above is a sample of the certificate.

よくある質問  FAQ


Any Questions for Teaching TOEFL iBT Skills Workshop? Contact us now!

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